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Safety Feels Like Unconditional Love.

Just enjoy your own company so much that it doesn't matter any more if you are alone or not. Because even if you are with someone, you still are experiencing everything from within you, you are both or all living things from your own perspectives. So in a sense,we are always alone, but never alone! Because it all comes from the joy you feel from the perspective you see it through. Its about loosing yourself and giving yourself completely to the experience.
That is freedom, that is completeness, that is peace! The joy you feel.
We are always longing for something that is within us! You will understand it when you stop defining it and live it. Ana F.

It's perfectly ok to feel hurt. When you feel it go into a space of being with the emotion, breathing it in and out until you feel like you know the emotion and you validate it!

Once it feels validated, understanding will come and the process of compassion and forgiving in a way that feels good to you, even if it's just being ok with the situation, a place of acceptance, is the time to let go and focus on you and your growth.
You can enrich this process by watching your thoughts, asking for help and guidance (praying) and rewarding things positively to yourself, most importantly telling yourself to focus on yourself .
Put the magic, the beauty and the joy back into your heart.

All the healing we need to proceed in our lives comes from within. No matter how much information we have from the exterior, it won't change a thing until we look inside and heal, pay attention to what is within us. 

Children of today are coming more into their own power than we did. Help them grow fully into their being. Accept them,guide them. They already know their purpose, they are already fulfilling it. Observe them, they are the healers and the messengers. They are the builders and the new light to open the new path. The connect, they bring love.

Learning so much about how much you focus on what's outside of you, when the transformation, the answers, the love and the healing all come from within.

When you start to live the present moment, you loose interest on what comes next. And the universe surprises you.

We learn so much about us when there is nothing exterior from us to focus on. Ana F.

"Every time your heart cracks a little, the more light comes in." Helena Horvat.

Its so special to be human. How many sunsets and sunrises can you see as a spirit? Feel the coldness and freshness of an ice-cream melting in your mouth on a hot summer's day. Have you stopped and listened and felt the rain fall on you as if it was the first time in your life? And the colours that the sky and the sun grace you with everyday? Isn't it magical? Will you feel the warmth of an embrace of a loved one or a friend when you are gone? Every experience, every moment you live as yourself on this planet is unique and special, if you get yourself to see it as are already a spiritual being, you have been since the beginning and will be for eternity, will you live this unique human experience forever? Can you live every moment of your life as it were your first and your last day? Listen, taste, sense, feel, see and experience.
Connect to the beauty of our world and the beauty of being human.
Ana F.

You are already spiritual beings, you are only going to live this one life as yourself now! Allow your body to live all human experiences, give yourselves to life! In all aspects, by connecting to your sexual desires, by letting your mouth taste the food that it wants, even if just once, by not denying yourself all life's pleasures! You owe yourself to give the opportunity to experience and try! After all you are living a human experience! Don't follow a norm and be like everyone else, don't force anyone to think and be like you! Be unique, be you! Don't be a clone ,a copy or an imitator! Be free. Ana F.

You only act in a negative way because you are hurt! There are deep past emotions that are calling to be healed! Forgive yourself for not having managed to manifest the life that you desired. It's ok. Be ok with where you are right now, and re start by focusing on the good that you wish for yourself. Focus and do only what feels right to you, what gives you joy. But before all that understand you, and try come to a space you can understand all that has happened and forgive it in a way that feels a relief for you.
Make a small list of your immediate goals, start living life like a child that marvels each day at the beauty in all it sees!
You are only going to live this one life as yourself now, you have the power to become who you want. Change your thoughts to positive, be kind and gentle towards yourself. Learn to love yourself first! It's time that you do that! It's now the time you go on a self discovery of who you are , only then can you receive what you give from your heart. Ana F.

We are all spiritual teachers and students. No one is above or below, but equal. Come into trusting your own heart and you will be fully into your own power. Ana F.

 "It's so so important to embrace being human in a community where we are more eager to express out non-human aspects. We didn't incarnate as a human to have a non-human experience . We are to integrate the two.But you can only integrate both by fully experiencing the two".   By Cody Singh.

When you do affirmations try to understand them, and see why you want these things, what is the opposite of what you have to desire these better things, that opposite is the answer to what needs healing, letting go and changing. Ana F.

Now, when I'm in a negative state, I just go occupy myself or distract myself with something that needs my mental focus. I choose my thoughts to be empowering. I choose to observe my thoughts and decide if they support me to my wealth and happiness.
Power thinking : " Nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it. Your thoughts do not run you, you run your thoughts."
Positive thinking : pretending that everything is rosy when you don't believe it.
You have the power to change your state of being and life by taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions. And only through conscious action can you really make changes to where you want to be and have. No laziness, excuses or justifications, if the way you have been doing would be working , you would be happy, free and rich by now. So get out of your comfort zone and go make it real, make it work, create the life you want. Ana F.

And thank you to T. Harv Eker and all my teachers in real life : my experiences. <3
Ps: dont forget that the first step to change starts with inner work on yourself. Become successful inside and you'll get the outside results that reflect that.

The purpose of a soul that comes to earth is solely to live a human experience, to be a human. So what is to be a human? To learn about unconditional love, compassion, values, learn to live in the moment, learn about joy, following its passion, learn about oneness , wholeness, to realise that as a human from its emotions and incredible mind you get to achieve comprehension of who you truly are as a soul, as god , universe ...Our earth and body in its conditions offer the growth opportunities and understanding that you could not achieve in any other form or place. So accept you came here to be human, because its the most spiritual experience. And if you wonder why Buddhist have a different human experience then we do, more focused on the spirit, it's because they are different vibrational beings that have a different purpose of learning to achieve a higher vibrational state in soul evolution. So enjoy and take advantage of who you are now while it lasts. Ana F.  I must add :


Xuan Daoji - Nice, but I wouldn't say solely. That would constitute a self imposed limitation. The rabbit hole isn't only deep. It loops around and intersect quite a bit :)



Ana Fernandes - But that's it, its in its human form that it gets to experience the whole that it wants to achieve, other wise we would be able to get out of our human form on earth to achieve that more , but when we do, we "die" to move on to experience what's beyond that rabbit whole. And of course that the more we evolve as humans, the more we cross all limitations and become more capable of being the light that we are.

The relationship you have with "God" is the relationship you have with yourself. Is there unconditional love? Is there trust? Wonder and joy? Is there a sense of wholeness and empowerment? If you do not find these and other things within you , how can life and the universe work for you? You are all and all is you. ' God' plays you and the other, the animal and the plant, the earth and all that look at you and look at all and you will see your true self. Ana F.

When we are born and grow and up until we have a grasp of understanding we exist in "a sense" of unconditional "self" love (perfection), then people start striping away our perception of that perfection of how we are , layers after layers , when there was never anything wrong with us. The only thing wrong is their perception of their own selves . Now we are left having to rebuild all those layers to restore that sense of perfection again. Ana F.

There is this notion that there are different " categories" of humans on earth.
This is what I think: We are all star children. We are all Source energy! There's no such thing as normal people, a couple of star children and a few of awakened ones! Every soul living a human life has already evolved to some stage, is already awakened! The purpose of coming to earth is to live a human experience which entails all it's learning and growth. This exclusivity that so many are talking about and believing about themselves is just so self centred and is not in alignment with source and what it is. Understand we are all the same. We are just evolving, some faster than others. And never in my life, me being a light worker, a medium and so on, would I look at my simple family, my dear non spiritual parents as being less then me because of it! The notion that the government and planes and what the heck is spying on you just shows how you feel so powerless of yourself and your life. No one is trying to get you, nor destroy you nor take any thing from you.

Wake up people! Why are you taking life for granted? Don't you know you came here to live a human life? Look at the world!! What are you doing to yourselves and to our world? It has so much beauty, love, fruit to offer and you destroy it instead of helping create it! Don't you know your not meant to stay in pain and suffering for its entire existence just because your subconscious mind , your voice and your thoughts keep repeating the same old story of punishing your self with : no one loves me, I'm a victim , I'm not worthy!!! No!!! Change that story! Stop repeating it!! Enough is enough! Look around you, look at you!! You are alive! You are breathing! My goodness your lungs , your whole body is breathing with life!! Use that power! Be grateful! Reclaim the love and life that God, the universe gave you and is your right to have!! Positivity, joy, happiness, love, fun, laughter, creating, cultivating, using words to empower!! Stop taking each day as a negative, you wont get this day back! What do you want? Focus on that! You are alive now!!! Use that power!! Ana F.

There is a reason why shadow work is not to be done on every aspect of yourself and why depression lingers because of it.
You don't have to do shadow work forever. By doing so you keep telling yourself that there is something wrong with you. It creates fear because you deal with one aspect and another comes that makes you feel like if you don't heal it, you will never be able to be free from it, thus on a continuous trigger that causes confusion, stress, attachment, etc.
Time to let go of that, accept yourself happily as you are, not beat yourself for it, not repel those less nice parts of yourself, because by doing so, you are denying your whole! We are both ying and yang. Integrate both, accept both as part of you. Its the repelling that creates the depression, sadness and the need to heal what was there to help you grow! So accept with love, and be free from those ideas that being as you are is wrong! Its you, accept you and accept others as they are. This is the right time to start changing those subconscious thoughts, beliefs and ideas that no longer serve you. Shadow work is needed, but when its done, its time to do the subconscious cleanse.
Re-program yourself /your subconscious is the new healing and the key to freedom from the weight we put on ourselves with what was imprinted by others! You are your own creator, hold that truth and set yourself free. Ana F.

We do create our reality with our thoughts, based on our perception of our ingrained ( but changeable) subcouncious beliefs and patterns( repetition) on our suppressed emotions and traumas, and on what reality is for each of us. If you want a different reality from the one your have now, whichever the reason, or become a better version of yourself, its not just simple to change your thought pattern, most of the time you will have to figure of why the new thought process has not worked, when you start doing things like affirmations, positive thinking, actions to feel good, etc, its also noticing the thoughts that are creating the same situation or emotions over and over and more importantly noticing which behaviours you have been and are automatically having after the triggers, that cause the emotion, that cause the thought. When you notice these two factors, you will be able to start to understand the cause of your behaviour, situation, reaction, and other people's reaction to you.
Thus you work on healing/changing/ understanding the suppressed emotion, the belief, the idea, etc, then changing the thought pattern and adapting to a new behavioural pattern, feelings and reaction. Ana F.

Ana F.

We do create our reality with our thoughts, based on our perception of our ingrained subconscious beliefs and patterns, on our suppressed emotions and traumas, and on what reality is for each of us. But its not just simple to change your thought pattern, most of the time you will have to figure of why the new thought process has not worked, when you start doing things like affirmations, positive thinking, actions to feel good, etc.
Its not just changing your thoughts, its also noticing the thoughts that are creating the same situation or emotions over and over and more importantly noticing which behaviours you have been and are automatically having after the triggers, that cause the emotion, that cause the thought. When you notice these two factors, you will be able to start to understand the cause of your behaviour, situation, reaction, and other people's reaction to you.
Thus you work on healing the suppressed emotion, then changing the thought pattern and adapting to a new behaviour/ reaction.
Ana F.

When you are blaming another person for your pain, you cannot see if they to are in pain. You see them as the enemy, and they may be seeing someone else or you as the enemy.
Every single being on earth is going through something, all individuals with labels, but strip away the label you give to each and you will see them as you. Individuals with no labels that need compassion, time, understanding, safety, healing, growth; to be heard; to be loved and to love; to be validated, etc just as much as you, in which ever way you want and need.
Its very hard when, for example, you blame your mother or father for all your pain, and "wrongs" in life, but when you see them outside of yourself as existing before you did and with a life history; take responsibility for your own feelings and open a door to releasing the anger, blame and hurt, you set yourself free from the burden and the chains of the traumatic past : painful "un-lived fully" emotions, fears and the stories you repeatedly tell yourself as a way to torment you, keep it alive and stopping all the good from coming in.
Its your choice to decide to finally let go and be free, or to stay in a never ending cycle where life continuously shows you all that which hurts you, all that you do not want to face. Ana F.

Your heart feels like crushing and you are lost for words of self love. Your smile is gone from your joyous heart. It is only one perspective of how you are seeing things right now. You seem to be facing a glass window just looking what is going on outside. People come and people go, everyone at the right time for reasons to help you grow. Nothing has been taken away from you. Loneliness is only a perspective of when you focus on one particular person forgetting the rest. Its the missing of the connection, the intimate connection, the one you feel safe and loved, peace and trust. You are not alone, you have great power to get to know you and what you want from life. When you empower yourself by loving yourself that sense of alone will go away. Because one person was not the forever, it doesn't mean you lost, it means you will love that part of you and you will gain a new love that is what your heart desires be that another, yourself, life, things you create.
The loneliness I speak is the one that is felt deep within because of the lack/ the emptiness of something that one expects to come from another, when it should be created in each within. Being alone is not just about not having no one in your life, you can be surrounded by all the people you love and yet still feel alone. Find what is missing within you and you'll find the connection you crave. Ana F.

I believe that no one should be immersed in past hurts and traumas for their entire existence, for that I know that we all have the potential to understand and heal what was and to turn your present moment of your living breath into the best version of you, the most amazing and wonderful life that we all can have, with no doubt.
You can be happy, you can live in joy and freedom, you can do everything that you desire and live the life you dream of.
Emotions are all valid, those that feel less good are to be accepted as part of you, because they help you grow as well and are part of your whole. My purpose is to help you set free from the chains of the thinking that negative emotions and life situations limit you, because they don’t, they can be integrated and used to empower you! We all have that power in us.
We are all living in a world of great potential and at a time that you have all within you to live from your heart, to break all barriers and to achieve greatness that is uniquely yours.
I’m not going to let you go down again, if you come to me, you have to work on yourself. Leaving knowing that you are worthy, great, amazing, capable and that you are going to have the life you want. Life is one roller coaster, but it is up to you to choose how much fun you will have or where it will take you, you have that power even if your engrained beliefs that are not yours make you feel and believe so. It’s not always going to be smooth, but your body and mind also need a rest, but it can be a learning ride.
Ana F.

Being who I think others think of me comes from the moment we start to judge ourselves, to question, to doubt, to listen to others but ourselves, the moment we start to create an identity. A young child would not see themselves through that aspect, the perspective of what they believe of what others think of them. Start to formulate your own identity of what you think of you by stripping away what you believe how others see you...Ana F.

Light and shadow - the whole that we are.


You have to accept all parts of yourself that you do not like, as to integrate both your light and your shadow, so you can fully be the one that you are. You accept the sadness and be present with it, you accept the pain and try to understand it as if its your child you are holding in your arms. Trying to focus on a positive thought when you feel anything but, will not make that inner feeling go away, its like telling your child to shut up and stop crying when they are in pain. You have to be with it when it's there, go into the pain it causes, the fear of being with it, because by doing so, you will be doing what others didn't do for you: be present, understanding, teaching, learning, integrating it and letting go. Ana F.

Enlightenment is when you become aware of both your light and your shadow and accept them as part of you. With the awareness, you choose to strengthen the light and making peace with the shadow, integrating it with love. It is also when you become aware of your humanity and your divinity, integrating both, not excluding and making yourself higher or lower than the other. We are Source energy, with many different aspects of a life experience lived in this vast existence, not a particular species or the other. The home that you long for, is the wholeness of the all that we are. Ana F.


Some people what a connection with their guides, because they think in doing so, they will get a quick fix solution to their problems, without having to do the work to have the life they want. Things do not fall from the sky. Be really integral and honest to why you want that kind of connection, because you will not get it from a space of interests and if your intentions are not pure, they could be shouting messages at you, but you wouldn't "see", because what you really want is to hear: "don't work, I'll make you a millionaire"; "be in that awful relationship because it will miraculously change" ; " don't forgive, because I will push that person away from you" ; " don't work on your self, because you're already all"... not even your guides can help you, if you don't even do it yourself.


Guides are always giving us the "answers", people resist because they expect it to be a certain one way.The answers come in everyday life, with changes in perspective and one's own realization of oneself and their surroundings, situations. They help you and guide you by showing you, that you are capable of doing it on your own. The universe pushes us out of our comfort zone, by forcing us to become aware and take matters in one's hands. And life is much more enjoyable when you can create it with surprise and wonder, so why know everything? You're taking away your power by doing so, because you are capable. Trust in you. Ana F.


Forgiveness is about understanding through awareness and compassion (seeing all aspects and perspectives from all parties and allowing the emotional self to live through and integration of oneself) and a conscious choice. Ana F.

By staying in your fear, you are feeding it and not allowing yourself to experience what you want. Allow the fear to be present, by understanding and validating it, and then move forward to fulfil its desire. Ana F.

Não querer sentir desconforto, é fugir de sentir e lidar com as emoções que nos são desagradáveis. Mas elas ali permanecem.
Enfrentar, aceitar e lidar com elas, é a única chave para as libertarmos. Ignora-las, faz-nos viver pelo exterior, e quando abafamos o nosso verdadeiro eu que sofre, fingindo que ele não existe, ele irá acabar por manifestar-se em algo de que já não podemos fugir mais!


Worth and value.

Sometimes it's our own definition of what value is, that hinders us from seeing all the ways we are valued and appreciated. And it also depends on our focus, we tend to forget the times we where valued, even by ourselves to ourselves, really appreciate us and what we do, feel, are; that when that does not happen, we forget those valuable times, and focus to much on what we are not getting. It needs not to be in massive numbers, even the small parts that we receive value from, have huge value.
It all depends on perspective and focus. Don't let expectations and beliefs ruin what there is and you dont see.
The real value we want is to be seen, to be heard, to be felt and to be understood. Find all those ways and notice when they happen. By noticing it everytime, you start to build it more inside of you, and it becomes part of you.


Non forgiving is not wanting to let go. Its to cary with our free will choice, the burden of the past.
Things can only heal once we become aware of the weight of burden, from our own perspective. We need to feel it, like a connection that happens between the subconscious, the mind and the heart.
Ana F.

Pain and suffering can transform you, but also heal you.
Ana F.


Mudar não é apenas ter os conceitos, mas sim integrar e agir, tornar o novo como parte de nós e o sermos. Requer escolha, aceitação, consistência, persistência e ação.
Ana F.

Sometimes you want to receive things, but you want to control how it comes and how it should happen, but if you release that need of control and focused expectation, you will allow whatever you want to come in all and surprising ways, because there are so many ways to get what we want, we just need to be open to all unknown possibilities.
Ana F.


The more you become aware of the darkness within you, the more you can see the light, as you will be able to start to see where healing and integration, acceptance, forgiveness understanding and love is needed, and thus be able to decide what to do, what you want and what you don't want.
Ana F.


Sometimes we take the pain and use it in a way that is damaging to ourselves and others. But we can also take the pain and use it to understand and grow from it.
We can go to our darkest shadows but it is possible to start bringing light into all those dark spaces within us.
Ana F.

The more we integrate a part of ourselves and we take action to become the new perspective, what will happen is that the next time we get triggered, we will find ourselves more able to resolve a situation. We take action towards growth and solutions, instead of disempowerment.
Ana F.

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